The official autopsy report for Keith Lamont Scott, the black man who was killed by Charlotte, N.C., police in September, confirms that he was shot three times, WCNC-TV reports.
According to the report, Scott was shot in the posterior chest (or back), the abdomen and the left arm. The report, from the Mecklenburg County Medical Examiner’s Office, also notes that there were abrasions and lacerations on Scott’s body.
Scott was shot and killed by a Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer Sept. 20, with police saying that they saw a man with a gun. Scott’s wife insists that her husband was not armed and was unjustly shot.
A toxicology report released as part of the autopsy shows that at the time of his death, Scott was on sedatives and anticonvulsant drugs, including amantadine, which is used to treat the flu, diazepam, which is the ingredient in Valium, and gabapentin, which is used to control seizures.
As the news station notes, the official autopsy report is consistent with the independent autopsy that was commissioned by Scott’s family and was performed at the morgue at Newberry County Memorial Hospital in South Carolina on Sept. 30. That autopsy, signed by forensic pathologist Kim Collins, ruled that Scott’s death “is best deemed homicide.”
Read more at USA Today.